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Vermont's Premier

Consignment Shop


For Children Preemie- Size 14

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Boho Baby Outlet


St. Albans, Vermont

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Dear Boho Community,

We are always blown away by your continued patronage to our little store, which has continued to grow steadily over the years. What’s unique about the resale industry is that we have TWO sides to our retail business: sales and intake. We couldn’t have sales without inventory, and you exclusively provide our inventory.

This reciprocal relationship is unique to resale, and what makes it feel more like a community than a traditional retail store. We’re grateful for this community and want to express our continued gratitude for you and your contribution to our growth. Pertinent to this growth, we have some exciting news! As we have been experiencing an ever-increasing volume of intake, we have expanded to provide a home for additional inventory: Boho Baby Outlet, in Saint Albans.

We will NOT have intake (i.e. accept inventory) at the outlet. Our outlet will be a space for us to be able to bring inventory from Williston in the form of:

● Additional buy-outright that we will be purchasing directly from you. This additional buy-outright will be for items that we would likely pass on for the Williston store, but that fit the bill for the outlet. These items will be purchased as a separate transaction from any buy-outright that we accept for Williston. 
● Clearance. Old clearance that has expired and is off-season will come up to the outlet.
● Abandoned passes. This one is important: We give a seven-day leeway for people who dropped off on the weekends to come back and pick up what we don’t accept. This is a courtesy. Many people do come back, and many don’t. We do our best to find donation outlets for these items, but the volume and time it takes to process these is astounding. Many of our donation channels are inundated and have stopped accepting the volume of clothing we have each week, and many items are being resold by our donation outlets. So, we’ve decided to resell them ourselves. We will still be working with several charitable organizations to donate requested items, and, as we do currently, we will have additional resources to monetarily support charitable organizations with the sale of outlet items.

What does this mean for you, our customers:

● We can buy more of your items! Yay!
● Boho Baby will feel a little less crowded, having somewhere else to bring superfluous items.
● You can feel good knowing your gently-loved children’s items are being provided to additional families in Vermont at a lower cost.
● We can all feel good knowing we’re keeping more clothing waste out of landfills, off beaches, waterways and oceans here and overseas.
● Our community is growing: we’re heading northward! We’re looking forward to being able to offer affordable, quality, gently-loved items to a larger population of customers.
● Our outlet space will have a small community/play area available for use for a low, monthly punch-card rate. Details COMING SOON!

We are SO excited for our new location. Setup is in the works, and we anticipate being able to open for business sometime in June.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new, exciting evolution in our business. We value transparency and appreciate questions.


Boho Baby Outlet is located in the 14th Star Brewery plaza, between Danform Shoes and Feldman’s Bagels.

With excitement and gratitude! Lisa and the Boho Team

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